Nika Akopian
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Cited by
Entangled photon pairs from semiconductor quantum dots
N Akopian, NH Lindner, E Poem, Y Berlatzky, J Avron, D Gershoni, ...
Physical review letters 96 (13), 130501, 2006
Bright single-photon sources in bottom-up tailored nanowires
ME Reimer, G Bulgarini, N Akopian, M Hocevar, MB Bavinck, ...
Nature Communications 3, 737, 2012
Crystal phase quantum dots
N Akopian, G Patriarche, L Liu, JC Harmand, V Zwiller
Nano letters 10 (4), 1198-1201, 2010
Hybrid semiconductor-atomic interface: slowing down single photons from a quantum dot
N Akopian, L Wang, A Rastelli, OG Schmidt, V Zwiller
Nature Photonics 5 (4), 230, 2011
A light-hole exciton in a quantum dot
YH Huo, BJ Witek, S Kumar, JR Cardenas, JX Zhang, N Akopian, R Singh, ...
Nature Physics 10 (1), 46, 2014
Growth and optical properties of axial hybrid III–V/silicon nanowires
M Hocevar, G Immink, M Verheijen, N Akopian, V Zwiller, L Kouwenhoven, ...
Nature Communications 3, 1266, 2012
Selective excitation and detection of spin states in a single nanowire quantum dot
MHM van Weert, N Akopian, U Perinetti, MP van Kouwen, RE Algra, ...
Nano letters 9 (5), 1989-1993, 2009
Superconducting single photon detectors with minimized polarization dependence
SN Dorenbos, EM Reiger, N Akopian, U Perinetti, V Zwiller, T Zijlstra, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (16), 2008
Room temperature demonstration of GaN∕ AlN quantum dot intraband infrared photodetector at fiber-optics communication wavelength
A Vardi, N Akopian, G Bahir, L Doyennette, M Tchernycheva, L Nevou, ...
Applied physics letters 88 (14), 2006
Wide InP nanowires with wurtzite/zincblende superlattice segments are type-II whereas narrower nanowires become type-I: an atomistic pseudopotential calculation
L Zhang, JW Luo, A Zunger, N Akopian, V Zwiller, JC Harmand
Nano letters 10 (10), 4055-4060, 2010
Polarization sensitive spectroscopy of charged quantum dots
E Poem, J Shemesh, I Marderfeld, D Galushko, N Akopian, D Gershoni, ...
Physical Review B 76 (23), 235304, 2007
Gate controlled Aharonov-Bohm-type oscillations from single neutral excitons in quantum rings
F Ding, N Akopian, B Li, U Perinetti, A Govorov, FM Peeters, CC Bof Bufon, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (7), 075309, 2010
Nanowire quantum dots tuned to atomic resonances
L Leandro, CP Gunnarsson, R Reznik, KD Jöns, I Shtrom, A Khrebtov, ...
Nano letters 18 (11), 7217-7221, 2018
Position controlled nanowires for infrared single photon emission
SN Dorenbos, H Sasakura, MP Van Kouwen, N Akopian, S Adachi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (17), 2010
Single quantum dot nanowire photodetectors
MP Van Kouwen, MHM Van Weert, ME Reimer, N Akopian, U Perinetti, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (11), 2010
Optical evidence for lack of polarization in (112¯ 0) oriented GaN∕(AlGa) N quantum structures
N Akopian, G Bahir, D Gershoni, MD Craven, JS Speck, SP DenBaars
Applied Physics Letters 86 (20), 2005
Origin of Spontaneous Core–Shell AlGaAs Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
VG Dubrovskii, IV Shtrom, RR Reznik, YB Samsonenko, AI Khrebtov, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 16 (12), 7251-7255, 2016
Photon Cascade from a Single Crystal Phase Nanowire Quantum Dot
M Bouwes Bavinck, KD Jöns, M Zieliński, G Patriarche, JC Harmand, ...
Nano letters 16 (2), 1081-1085, 2016
Orientation‐Dependent Optical‐Polarization Properties of Single Quantum Dots in Nanowires
MHM van Weert, N Akopian, F Kelkensberg, U Perinetti, MP van Kouwen, ...
small 5 (19), 2134-2138, 2009
Emission characteristics of quantum dots in planar microcavities
G Ramon, U Mizrahi, N Akopian, S Braitbart, D Gershoni, TL Reinecke, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (20), 205330, 2006
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Articles 1–20