Kalin Kouzmanov
Kalin Kouzmanov
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva
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Hydrothermal Controls on Metal Distribution in Porphyry Cu (-Mo-Au) Systems
K Kouzmanov, GS Pokrovski
SEG Special Publications v. 16: Geology and Genesis of Major Copper Deposits …, 2012
Gold speciation and transport in geological fluids: insights from experiments and physical-chemical modelling
GS Pokrovski, NN Akinfiev, AY Borisova, AV Zotov, K Kouzmanov
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 402 (1), 9-70, 2014
Why large porphyry Cu deposits like high Sr/Y magmas?
M Chiaradia, A Ulianov, K Kouzmanov, B Beate
Scientific reports 2 (1), 685, 2012
Sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits
L Fontboté, K Kouzmanov, M Chiaradia, GS Pokrovski
Elements 13 (2), 97-103, 2017
Zoned base metal mineralization in a porphyry system: Origin and evolution of mineralizing fluids in the Morococha district, Peru
H Catchpole, K Kouzmanov, B Putlitz, JH Seo, L Fontboté
Economic Geology 110 (1), 39-71, 2015
Direct analysis of ore-precipitating fluids: Combined IR microscopy and LA-ICP-MS study of fluid inclusions in opaque ore minerals
K Kouzmanov, T Pettke, CA Heinrich
Economic Geology 105 (2), 351-373, 2010
Magmatic fluids in the breccia-hosted epithermal Au-Ag deposit of Rosia Montana, Romania
S Wallier, R Rey, K Kouzmanov, T Pettke, CA Heinrich, S Leary, ...
Economic Geology 101 (5), 923-954, 2006
1: Subduction, slab detachment and mineralization: The Neogene in the Apuseni Mountains and Carpathians
F Neubauer, A Lips, K Kouzmanov, J Lexa, P Iva·șcanu
Ore Geology Reviews 27 (1-4), 13-44, 2005
Multiple fluids involved in granite-related W-Sn deposits from the world-class Jiangxi province (China)
H Legros, A Richard, A Tarantola, K Kouzmanov, J Mercadier, ...
Chemical Geology 508, 92-115, 2019
Fluid evolution in zoned Cordilleran polymetallic veins—insights from microthermometry and LA-ICP-MS of fluid inclusions
H Catchpole, K Kouzmanov, L Fontboté, M Guillong, CA Heinrich
Chemical Geology 281 (3-4), 293-304, 2011
Sulfide replacement processes revealed by textural and LA-ICP-MS trace element analyses: example from the early mineralization stages at Cerro de Pasco, Peru
B Rottier, K Kouzmanov, M Wälle, R Bendezú, L Fontboté
Economic Geology 111 (6), 1347-1367, 2016
Evidence for residual melt extraction in the Takidani Pluton, Central Japan
E Hartung, L Caricchi, D Floess, S Wallis, S Harayama, K Kouzmanov, ...
Journal of Petrology 58 (4), 763-788, 2017
Infrared microthermometry and chemistry of wolframite from the Baia Sprie epithermal deposit, Romania
L Bailly, L Grancea, K Kouzmanov
Economic Geology 97 (2), 415-423, 2002
Cyclic dilution of magmatic metal-rich hypersaline fluids by magmatic low-salinity fluid: a major process generating the giant epithermal polymetallic deposit of Cerro de Pasco …
B Rottier, K Kouzmanov, V Casanova, M Wälle, L Fontboté
Economic Geology 113 (4), 825-856, 2018
Morphology, origin and infrared microthermometry of fluid inclusions in pyrite from the Radka epithermal copper deposit, Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria
K Kouzmanov, L Bailly, C Ramboz, O Rouer, JM Beny
Mineralium deposita 37, 599-613, 2002
Tourmaline as a tracer of late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid evolution: the world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru
M Harlaux, K Kouzmanov, S Gialli, O Laurent, A Rielli, A Dini, A Chauvet, ...
Economic Geology 115 (8), 1665-1697, 2020
Late cretaceous porphyry Cu and epithermal Cu–Au association in the southern Panagyurishte District, Bulgaria: the paired Vlaykov Vruh and Elshitsa deposits
K Kouzmanov, R Moritz, A von Quadt, M Chiaradia, I Peytcheva, ...
Mineralium Deposita 44, 611-646, 2009
Porphyry and epithermal deposits in Greece: An overview, new discoveries, and mineralogical constraints on their genesis
P Voudouris, C Mavrogonatos, PG Spry, T Baker, V Melfos, R Klemd, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 107, 654-691, 2019
An arsenic-driven pump for invisible gold in hydrothermal systems
GS Pokrovski, C Escoda, M Blanchard, D Testemale, JLF Hazemann, ...
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 17, 39-44, 2021
Behavior of critical metals in metamorphosed Pb-Zn ore deposits: example from the Pyrenean Axial Zone
A Cugerone, B Cenki-Tok, M Munoz, K Kouzmanov, E Oliot, V Motto-Ros, ...
Mineralium Deposita 56, 685-705, 2021
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Articles 1–20