Sorbonne University, Paris Brain Institute (ICM), Inria team "Aramis"
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Cited by
Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer
BE Bejnordi, M Veta, PJ Van Diest, B Van Ginneken, N Karssemeijer, ...
Jama 318 (22), 2199-2210, 2017
Gland segmentation in colon histology images: The glas challenge contest
K Sirinukunwattana, JPW Pluim, H Chen, X Qi, PA Heng, YB Guo, ...
Medical image analysis 35, 489-502, 2017
Methods for nuclei detection, segmentation, and classification in digital histopathology: a review—current status and future potential
H Irshad, A Veillard, L Roux, D Racoceanu
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 7, 97-114, 2013
Mitosis detection in breast cancer histological images An ICPR 2012 contest
R Ludovic, R Daniel, L Nicolas, K Maria, I Humayun, K Jacques, ...
Journal of pathology informatics 4 (1), 8, 2013
Efficient deep learning model for mitosis detection using breast histopathology images
M Saha, C Chakraborty, D Racoceanu
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 64, 29-40, 2018
Deep learning in the biomedical applications: Recent and future status
R Zemouri, N Zerhouni, D Racoceanu
Applied Sciences 9 (8), 1526, 2019
Fusing visual and clinical information for lung tissue classification in high-resolution computed tomography
A Depeursinge, D Racoceanu, J Iavindrasana, G Cohen, A Platon, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 50 (1), 13-21, 2010
Recurrent radial basis function network for time-series prediction
R Zemouri, D Racoceanu, N Zerhouni
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 16 (5-6), 453-463, 2003
Automatic breast cancer grading of histopathological images
JR Dalle, WK Leow, D Racoceanu, AE Tutac, TC Putti
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
Automated mitosis detection using texture, SIFT features and HMAX biologically inspired approach
H Irshad, S Jalali, L Roux, D Racoceanu, LJ Hwee, G Le Naour, F Capron
Journal of pathology informatics 4 (2), 12, 2013
Contribution à la surveillance des systèmes de production à l'aide des réseaux de neurones dynamiques: Application à la e-maintenance
R Zemouri
Université de Franche-Comté, 2003
Time-efficient sparse analysis of histopathological whole slide images
CH Huang, A Veillard, L Roux, N Loménie, D Racoceanu
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 35 (7-8), 579-591, 2011
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 4–8, 2020, Proceedings, Part I
AL Martel, P Abolmaesumi, D Stoyanov, D Mateus, MA Zuluaga, SK Zhou, ...
Springer Nature, 2020
Nuclear pleomorphism scoring by selective cell nuclei detection.
JR Dalle, H Li, CH Huang, WK Leow, D Racoceanu, TC Putti
WACV, 2009
Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer
B Ehteshami Bejnordi, M Veta, P Johannes van Diest, B van Ginneken, ...
Jama 318 (22), 2199-2210, 2017
Best practice recommendations for the implementation of a digital pathology workflow in the anatomic pathology laboratory by the European Society of Digital and Integrative …
F Fraggetta, V L’imperio, D Ameisen, R Carvalho, S Leh, TR Kiehl, ...
Diagnostics 11 (11), 2167, 2021
Deep learning for semantic segmentation vs. classification in computational pathology: application to mitosis analysis in breast cancer grading
G Jiménez, D Racoceanu
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 145, 2019
Perceived age and life style. The specific contributions of seven factors involved in health and beauty
VG Clatici, D Racoceanu, C Dalle, C Voicu, L Tomas-Aragones, ...
Maedica 12 (3), 191, 2017
Knowledge-guided semantic indexing of breast cancer histopathology images
AE Tutac, D Racoceanu, T Putti, W Xiong, WK Leow, V Cretu
2008 international conference on biomedical engineering and informatics 2 …, 2008
New trends to support independence in persons with mild dementia–a mini-review
M Mokhtari, H Aloulou, T Tiberghien, J Biswas, D Racoceanu, P Yap
Gerontology 58 (6), 554-563, 2012
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Articles 1–20