peter mitchell
peter mitchell
Professor of Psychology, University of Bradford
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The potential of virtual reality in social skills training for people with autistic spectrum disorders
S Parsons, P Mitchell
Journal of intellectual disability research 46 (5), 430-443, 2002
Cognitive theories of autism
G Rajendran, P Mitchell
Developmental review 27 (2), 224-260, 2007
Using virtual environments for teaching social understanding to 6 adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders
P Mitchell, S Parsons, A Leonard
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 37, 589-600, 2007
Children's early understanding of false belief
P Mitchell, H Lacohée
Cognition 39 (2), 107-127, 1991
The use and understanding of virtual environments by adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders
S Parsons, P Mitchell, A Leonard
Journal of Autism and Developmental disorders 34, 449-466, 2004
Susceptibility to illusions and performance on visuospatial tasks in individuals with autism
D Ropar, P Mitchell
Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry 42 (4), 539-549, 2001
Virtual environments for social skills training: comments from two adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder
S Parsons, A Leonard, P Mitchell
Computers & Education 47 (2), 186-206, 2006
Are errors in false belief tasks symptomatic of a broader difficulty with counterfactuality?
KJ Riggs, DM Peterson, EJ Robinson, P Mitchell
Cognitive Development 13 (1), 73-90, 1998
How easy is it to read the minds of people with autism spectrum disorder?
E Sheppard, D Pillai, GTL Wong, D Ropar, P Mitchell
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 1247-1254, 2016
Siblings in the development of executive control and a theory of mind
K Cole, P Mitchell
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 18 (2), 279-295, 2000
Children's early understanding of mind: Origins and development
C Lewis, P Mitchell
Psychology Press, 2014
Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health
P Mitchell, E Sheppard, S Cassidy
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 39 (1), 1-18, 2021
Introduction to theory of mind: Children, autism and apes.
P Mitchell
Edward Arnold Publishers, 1997
Acquiring a conception of mind: A review of psychological research and theory
P Mitchell
Psychology Press, 2021
Are individuals with autism and Asperger's syndrome susceptible to visual illusions?
D Ropar, P Mitchell
The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 40 (8 …, 1999
Do gaze cues in complex scenes capture and direct the attention of high functioning adolescents with ASD? Evidence from eye-tracking
M Freeth, P Chapman, D Ropar, P Mitchell
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 534-547, 2010
Do adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders adhere to social conventions in virtual environments?
S Parsons, P Mitchell, A Leonard
Autism 9 (1), 95-117, 2005
Development of social skills amongst adults with Asperger’s Syndrome using virtual environments: the ‘AS Interactive’project
S Parsons, L Beardon, HR Neale, G Reynard, R Eastgate, JR Wilson, ...
Proc. The 3rd International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and …, 2000
Shape constancy in autism: The role of prior knowledge and perspective cues
D Ropar, P Mitchell
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 43 (5), 647-653, 2002
Contamination in reasoning about false belief: An instance of realist bias in adults but not children
P Mitchell, EJ Robinson, JE Isaacs, RM Nye
Cognition 59 (1), 1-21, 1996
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Articles 1–20