Jose Antonio Martin Garcia
Jose Antonio Martin Garcia
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Cited by
Accuracy of working length measurement: electronic apex locator versus cone‐beam computed tomography
C Lucena, JM López, JA Martín, V Robles, MP González‐Rodríguez
International endodontic journal 47 (3), 246-256, 2014
Introduction of non-native marine fish species to the Canary Islands waters through oil platforms as vectors
JG Pajuelo, JA González, R Triay-Portella, JA Martín, R Ruiz-Díaz, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 163, 23-30, 2016
Patterns of nocturnal movement of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum (Philippi) in Gran Canaria (the Canary Islands, central East Atlantic Ocean)
F Tuya, JA Martin, A Luque
Helgoland Marine Research 58 (1), 26-31, 2004
Food preferences of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, central-east Atlantic Ocean)
F Tuya, JA Martín, GM Reuss, A Luque
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 81 (5 …, 2001
Seasonal cycle of a Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadow and of the associated ichthyofauna at Playa Dorada (Lanzarote, Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic) [Ciclo estacional de una …
AL F. Tuya, J.A. Martín
Ciencias Marinas 32 (4), 695-704, 2006
Impact of a marina construction on a seagrass bed at Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
F Tuya, JA Martín, A Luque
Journal of Coastal Conservation 8 (2), 157-162, 2002
Organic carbon and environmental quality of riverine and off-shore sediments from the Gulf of Cádiz, Spain
JA González-Pérez, JR De Andrés, L Clemente, JA Martín, ...
Environmental Chemistry Letters 6, 41-46, 2008
Cáncer de mama Cuestiones más frecuentes
JL Bayo, J García, DA Lucha, RV Valentín
Lima: Editorial Entheos, 2007
Nutrient use strategy by evergreen-oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ilex) in NE Spain
A Escarré, L Ferrés, R López, J Martin, F Rodà, J Terrades
Plant Response to Stress: Functional Analysis in Mediterranean Ecosystems …, 1987
User’s guide and toolkit for the surveys of student engagement: the high school survey of student engagement and the middle grade school survey of student engagement
J Martin, A Torres
National Association of Independent Schools, 2016
A novel technique for tagging the long‐spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum
F Tuya, JA Martín, Á Luque
Sarsia 88 (5), 365-368, 2003
Tratamiento de la multicolinealidad aproximada mediante variables ortogonales
A Novales, R Salmerón, C García, J García, MM López
Anales de Economía Aplicada 29, 1212-1227, 2015
Balance hídrico, meteorización y erosión en una pequeña cuenca de encinar mediterráneo
A Escarré, MJ Lledó, J Bellot, J Martín, A Esclapés, E Seva, JR Sánchez
Monografías ICONA 47, 54-115, 1986
El debate pendiente: epistemología y pedagogía
G Hernández, J Martín, FJ Hernández, S Hassey, R Cristina
Relevance of feeding ecology in the management of invasive species: Prey variability in a novel invasive crab
R Triay-Portella, JA Martín, L Luque, JG Pajuelo
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 274, 107949, 2022
Datos de fenología, reducción de hoja y variaciones estacionales de la composición foliar, en cuatro especies del matorral costero del Mediterráneo meridional ibérico
J Martin, A Escarré
Mediterránea 4, 68-88, 1980
Capacidad de retorno de Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
JA Martín García, A Luque-Escalona
Anales universitarios de etología, 2008
Interference competition between native Iberian turtles and the exotic Trachemys scripta. Basic and Applied Herpetology, 28, 5–20
N Polo-Cavia, P López, J Martín
Estudios sobre el medio y la biocenosis en los arenales costeros de la provincia de Alicante
A Escarré, E Seva, J Martin
Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, 1989
Size-density strategy displayed by Diadema africano linked with the stability of urchin barrens in the Canary Islands
AL Nancy Cabanillas-Terán, José A. Martín, Ruber Rodríguez-Barrera
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95 (1 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20