Bart van Riessen
Bart van Riessen
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Cited by
Service network design for an intermodal container network with flexible transit times and the possibility of using subcontracted transport
BV Riessen, RR Negenborn, R Dekker, G Lodewijks
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 7 (4), 457-478, 2015
Synchromodal container transportation: an overview of current topics and research opportunities
B van Riessen, RR Negenborn, R Dekker
Computational Logistics: 6th International Conference, ICCL 2015, Delft, The …, 2015
Real-time container transport planning with decision trees based on offline obtained optimal solutions
B Van Riessen, RR Negenborn, R Dekker
Decision Support Systems 89, 1-16, 2016
Impact and relevance of transit disturbances on planning in intermodal container networks using disturbance cost analysis
B Van Riessen, RR Negenborn, G Lodewijks, R Dekker
Maritime Economics & Logistics 17, 440-463, 2015
The Cargo Fare Class Mix problem for an intermodal corridor: revenue management in synchromodal container transportation
B Van Riessen, RR Negenborn, R Dekker
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 29 (3-4), 634–658, 2017
Synchro mania-design and evaluation of a serious game creating a mind shift in transport planning
E Buiel, G Visschedijk, L Lebesque, I Lucassen, BV Riessen, AV Rijn, ...
46th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA, 1-12, 2015
Revenue management with two fare classes in synchromodal container transportation
B Van Riessen, J Mulder, RR Negenborn, R Dekker
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 33, 623-662, 2021
Planning of hinterland transportation in the EGS network
B van Riessen
Erasmus University, 2013
Optimal transportation plans and portfolios for synchromodal container networks
B van Riessen
The Cargo Fare Class Mix problem for an intermodal corridor: revenue management in synchromodal container transportation.
B Riessen, R Negenborn, R Dekker
Flexible Services & Manufacturing Journal 29, 2017
Online Container Transport Planning with Decision Trees based on Offline Obtained Optimal Solutions
B van Riessen, RR Negenborn, R Dekker
International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2014 …, 2014
Rotterdam as linking pin in intercontinental container transport: trends and research in Smart Port
R Dekker, B Van Riessen
Smart Port Perspectives: Essays in honour of Hans Smits. Erasmus Smart Port …, 2013
Real-time container network planning based on post-optimization analysis using decision trees
B Van Riessen, R Negenborn, R Dekker
IAME 2014, Norfolk, VA, USA, 1-14, 2014
Analysis of impact and relevance of transit disturbances in an intermodal container network
B van Riessen, RR Negenborn, R Dekker, G Lodewijks
LOGMS 2013, Singapore, 1-12, 2013
How will demand fluctuations, fleet composition, and bunker prices affect deep sea call sizes in Rotterdam?
MR Hollemans, B van Riessen, R Dekker, L Weckwerth
Vastlegging Ontwerpproces SynchroMania
EFT Buiel, GC Visschedijk, GM te Brake, A van Rijn, I Lucassen, ...
TNO, 2015
Planning of hinterland transportation in the EGS network (summary)
B van Riessen
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Articles 1–17