kathryn fowler
kathryn fowler
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Cited by
Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) version 2018: imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma in at-risk patients
V Chernyak, KJ Fowler, A Kamaya, AZ Kielar, KM Elsayes, MR Bashir, ...
Radiology 289 (3), 816-830, 2018
Targeting tumour-associated macrophages with CCR2 inhibition in combination with FOLFIRINOX in patients with borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic cancer: a …
TM Nywening, A Wang-Gillam, DE Sanford, BA Belt, RZ Panni, ...
The lancet oncology 17 (5), 651-662, 2016
Gadolinium‐based contrast agents: a comprehensive risk assessment
TJ Fraum, DR Ludwig, MR Bashir, KJ Fowler
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 46 (2), 338-353, 2017
cHCC‐CCA: Consensus terminology for primary liver carcinomas with both hepatocytic and cholangiocytic differentation
E Brunt, S Aishima, PA Clavien, K Fowler, Z Goodman, G Gores, A Gouw, ...
Hepatology 68 (1), 113-126, 2018
Evidence supporting LI-RADS major features for CT-and MR imaging–based diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review
A Tang, MR Bashir, MT Corwin, I Cruite, CF Dietrich, RKG Do, EC Ehman, ...
Radiology 286 (1), 29-48, 2018
Accuracy of the liver imaging reporting and data system in computed tomography and magnetic resonance image analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma or overall malignancy—a …
CB Van der Pol, CS Lim, CB Sirlin, TA McGrath, JP Salameh, MR Bashir, ...
Gastroenterology 156 (4), 976-986, 2019
Assessing Radiology Research on Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Guide for Authors, Reviewers, and Readers—From the Radiology Editorial …
DA Bluemke, L Moy, MA Bredella, BB Ertl-Wagner, KJ Fowler, VJ Goh, ...
Radiology 294 (3), 487-489, 2020
Liver fat imaging—a clinical overview of ultrasound, CT, and MR imaging
YN Zhang, KJ Fowler, G Hamilton, JY Cui, EZ Sy, M Balanay, JC Hooker, ...
The British journal of radiology 91 (1089), 20170959, 2018
Use of Microcalcification Descriptors in BI-RADS 4th Edition to Stratify Risk of Malignancy1
ES Burnside, JE Ochsner, KJ Fowler, JP Fine, LR Salkowski, DL Rubin, ...
Radiology 242 (2), 388-395, 2007
Agreement between magnetic resonance imaging proton density fat fraction measurements and pathologist-assigned steatosis grades of liver biopsies from adults with nonalcoholic …
MS Middleton, ER Heba, CA Hooker, MR Bashir, KJ Fowler, ...
Gastroenterology 153 (3), 753-761, 2017
2017 version of LI-RADS for CT and MR imaging: an update
KM Elsayes, JC Hooker, MM Agrons, AZ Kielar, A Tang, KJ Fowler, ...
Radiographics 37 (7), 1994-2017, 2017
Diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive fibrosis models to detect change in fibrosis stage
MS Siddiqui, G Yamada, R Vuppalanchi, M Van Natta, R Loomba, C Guy, ...
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology 17 (9), 1877-1885. e5, 2019
Combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma (biphenotypic) tumors: imaging features and diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced CT and MRI
KJ Fowler, A Sheybani, RA Parker III, S Doherty, E M. Brunt, ...
American Journal of Roentgenology 201 (2), 332-339, 2013
Change in MRI-PDFF and histologic response in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JG Stine, N Munaganuru, A Barnard, JL Wang, K Kaulback, CK Argo, ...
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 19 (11), 2274-2283. e5, 2021
In children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, cysteamine bitartrate delayed release improves liver enzymes but does not reduce disease activity scores
JB Schwimmer, JE Lavine, LA Wilson, BA Neuschwander-Tetri, ...
Gastroenterology 151 (6), 1141-1154. e9, 2016
Magnetic resonance imaging of focal liver lesions: approach to imaging diagnosis
KJ Fowler, JJ Brown, VR Narra
Hepatology 54 (6), 2227-2237, 2011
Assessment and optimization of liver volume before major hepatic resection: Current guidelines and a narrative review
AS Khan, S Garcia-Aroz, MA Ansari, SM Atiq, M Senter-Zapata, K Fowler, ...
International journal of surgery 52, 74-81, 2018
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® right lower quadrant pain-suspected appendicitis
EM Garcia, MA Camacho, DR Karolyi, DH Kim, BD Cash, KJ Chang, ...
Journal of the American College of Radiology 15 (11), S373-S387, 2018
LI-RADS: a conceptual and historical review from its beginning to its recent integration into AASLD clinical practice guidance
KM Elsayes, AZ Kielar, V Chernyak, A Morshid, A Furlan, WR Masch, ...
Journal of hepatocellular carcinoma, 49-69, 2019
Hepatobiliary agents and their role in LI-RADS
TA Hope, KJ Fowler, CB Sirlin, EAC Costa, J Yee, BM Yeh, JP Heiken
Abdominal imaging 40, 613-625, 2015
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Articles 1–20