Victoria F. Turygina
Cited by
Cited by
Mathematical optimization in environmental economics. Algorithm of gradient projection method
J Vasilev, VF Turygina, AI Kosarev, YY Nazarova
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 3, 349-355, 2016
Statistical analysis and forecasting of extraction and use of natural resources
AM Tarasyev, J Vasilev, VF Turygina
AIP Conference Proceedings 2040 (1), 2018
The effect of the geometry of the micro pores on the effective permeability of soil
IN Sachkov, O Marinova, VF Turygina, EE Turygin
AIP Conference Proceedings 1738 (1), 2016
Comparison of statistical models for assessing the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises
VF Turygina, J Vasilev, AS Safrygin, AN Nizov, ND Panteleeva
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 19 (2.1), 175-180, 2019
Quantitative analysis of raw materials mining of Sverdlovsk region in Russia
AM Tarasyev, J Vasilev, VF Turygina
AIP Conference Proceedings 1738 (1), 2016
Methods for predicting the production of natural resources
AM Tarasyev, VF Turygina, SV Kravchuk, AE Strelchuk, JA Vasilev
AIP Conference Proceedings, 050010-050010, 2019
Kinetic synergistic transitions in the Ostwald ripening processes
IN Sachkov, VF Turygina, AN Dolganov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 944 (1), 012101, 2018
Optimization of information resources in industrial ecology
AN Dolganov, V Ford, AM Tarasyev, VF Turygina
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (32), 67-72, 2018
Mathematical models of cognitive interaction identification in the social networks
K Balagura, H Kazakova, D Maximus, V Turygina
AIP Conference Proceedings 2116 (1), 2019
Regularities of non-uniform heating of the two-phase environment during electric current
IN Sachkov, O Marinova, VF Turygina, EE Turygin, AN Dolganov
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 3, 599-605, 2016
Analysis of data on sources of official statistics, development strategy of the Kurgan region
AM Tarasyev, J Vasilev, VF Turygina, AD Panchenko
American Institute of Physics Inc., 2021
The Effects of Technology on Employment (What the Future Holds)
E Agbozo, A Masih, VF Turygina, SV Ranuk
Conference Paper, 31-34, 2019
Exploring the effect of national cultural disposition on drone technology adoption and development
H Kitonsa, E Agbozo, VF Turygina
AIP Conference Proceedings 2172 (1), 2019
Cyber securing the future
C Kolb, J Strouse, J Palmer, V Ford, V Turygina
AIP Conference Proceedings 2425 (1), 2022
Development of a model of the gross regional product of the Kurgan region
AM Tarasyev, J Vasilev, VF Turygina, AV Usova
AIP Conference Proceedings 2333 (1), 2021
Development of client-server technology for access to the database of algorithms on the VUE. jS platform in
A Tarasyev, V Turygina, D Soltys, M Pavlov, Y Kharitonov
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 192-197, 2019
Decision-making in waste management: scenarios evaluation
DB Berg, IL Manzhurov, KL Antonov, A Taubayev, VF Turygina
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (32), 125-129, 2018
Optimization of the characteristics of three-phase resistive materials using finite element method
IN Sachkov, DB Berg, AG Gorman, VF Turygina, OE Khorev
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics …, 2017
Application of Material Flow Analysis in the Industry
AM Tarasyev, VF Turygina
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 5 (3), 71-76, 2015
The development of cognitive information technology in physics education
IN Sachkov, VF Turygina, A Matkovskaya
AIP Conference Proceedings 2425 (1), 2022
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Articles 1–20