Ralph E. Pudritz
Ralph E. Pudritz
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Director Origins Inst., McMaster University
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Cited by
From filamentary networks to dense cores in molecular clouds: toward a new paradigm for star formation
P André, J Di Francesco, D Ward-Thompson, S Inutsuka, RE Pudritz, ...
Protostars and Planets VI 27, 2014
Hydromagnetic disk winds in young stellar objects and active galactic nuclei
G Pelletier, RE Pudritz
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 394, no. 1, July 20 …, 1992
Protostars and planets vi
P André, J Di Francesco, D Ward-Thompson, SI Inutsuka, RE Pudritz, ...
Univ. Arizona Press, 2014
Centrifugally driven winds from contracting molecular disks
RE Pudritz, CA Norman
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 274, Nov. 15, 1983, p …, 1983
Bipolar hydromagnetic winds from disks around protostellar objects
RE Pudritz, CA Norman
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 301, Feb. 15, 1986, p …, 1986
Supergiant molecular clouds and the formation of globular cluster systems
WE Harris, RE Pudritz
The Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 429, no. 1, p. 177 …, 1994
Accretion-powered stellar winds as a solution to the stellar angular momentum problem
S Matt, RE Pudritz
The Astrophysical Journal 632 (2), L135, 2005
Disk Winds and the Accretion--Outflow Connection
A Konigl, RE Pudritz
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9903168, 1999
Numerical simulations of astrophysical jets from Keplerian disks. I. Stationary models
R Ouyed, RE Pudritz
The Astrophysical Journal 482 (2), 712, 1997
Helical fields and filamentary molecular clouds—I
JD Fiege, RE Pudritz
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 311 (1), 85-104, 2000
Disk winds, jets, and outflows: theoretical and computational foundations
RE Pudritz, R Ouyed, C Fendt, A Brandenburg
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0603592, 2006
Outflows and jets from collapsing magnetized cloud cores
R Banerjee, RE Pudritz
The Astrophysical Journal 641 (2), 949, 2006
Protostars and Planets VI ed H
P André, J Di Francesco, D Ward-Thompson, S Inutsuka, R Pudritz, ...
Beuther et al 27, 2014
Protostars and Planets VI
ZY Li, R Banerjee, RE Pudritz, JK Jørgensen, H Shang, R Krasnopolsky, ...
Univ. Arizona Press, 2014
Protostars and Planets IV
A Königl, RE Pudritz, V Mannings, AP Boss, SS Russell
Univ. Arizona Press, 2000
A thermodynamic basis for prebiotic amino acid synthesis and the nature of the first genetic code
PG Higgs, RE Pudritz
Astrobiology 9 (5), 483-490, 2009
Origin of the RNA world: The fate of nucleobases in warm little ponds
BKD Pearce, RE Pudritz, DA Semenov, TK Henning
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (43), 11327-11332, 2017
Gravitational collapse and star formation in logotropic and nonisothermal spheres
DE McLaughlin, RE Pudritz
The Astrophysical Journal 476 (2), 750, 1997
Accretion-powered stellar winds. II. Numerical solutions for stellar wind torques
S Matt, RE Pudritz
The Astrophysical Journal 678 (2), 1109, 2008
The origin of magnetic fields and primordial stars in protogalaxies
RE Pudritz, J Silk
Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 342, June 15, 1989, p …, 1989
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Articles 1–20