Cited by
Cited by
Impact of an augmented reality system on students' motivation for a visual art course
Á Di Serio, MB Ibáñez, CD Kloos
Computers & education 68, 586-596, 2013
Augmented reality for STEM learning: A systematic review
MB Ibáñez, C Delgado-Kloos
Computers & Education 123, 109-123, 2018
Experimenting with electromagnetism using augmented reality: Impact on flow student experience and educational effectiveness
MB Ibáñez, Á Di Serio, D Villarán, CD Kloos
Computers & education 71, 1-13, 2014
Gamification for engaging computer science students in learning activities: A case study
MB Ibanez, A Di-Serio, C Delgado-Kloos
IEEE Transactions on learning technologies 7 (3), 291-301, 2014
Impact of augmented reality technology on academic achievement and motivation of students from public and private Mexican schools. A case study in a middle-school geometry course
MB Ibáñez, AU Portillo, RZ Cabada, ML Barrón
Computers & Education 145, 103734, 2020
Support for augmented reality simulation systems: The effects of scaffolding on learning outcomes and behavior patterns
MB Ibáñez, Á Di-Serio, D Villarán-Molina, C Delgado-Kloos
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 9 (1), 46-56, 2015
Design and implementation of a 3D multi-user virtual world for language learning
MB Ibáñez, JJ García, S Galán, D Maroto, D Morillo, CD Kloos
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 14 (4), 2-10, 2011
Augmented reality-based simulators as discovery learning tools: An empirical study
MB Ibáñez, Á Di-Serio, D Villarán-Molina, C Delgado-Kloos
IEEE Transactions on Education 58 (3), 208-213, 2014
Learning a foreign language in a mixed-reality environment
M Ibanez, CD Kloos, D Leony, JJG Rueda, D Maroto
IEEE internet computing 15 (6), 44-47, 2011
Learning analytics for student modeling in virtual reality training systems: Lineworkers case
G Santamaría-Bonfil, MB Ibáñez, M Pérez-Ramírez, G Arroyo-Figueroa, ...
Computers & Education 151, 103871, 2020
Collaborative learning in multi-user virtual environments
MB Ibáñez, JJG Rueda, D Maroto, CD Kloos
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 36 (6), 1566-1576, 2013
The acceptance of learning augmented reality environments: A case study
MB Ibáñez, A Di Serio, D Villarán, C Delgado-Kloos
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2016
An empirical study of the use of an augmented reality simulator in a face-to-face physics course
MB Ibáñez, AJ De Castro, CD Kloos
2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2017
A Study of Learning-by-Doing in MOOCs through the Integration of Third-Party External Tools: Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Running Modes.
C Alario-Hoyos, J Ruiz-Magaña, J Blasco, I Estévez-Ayres, ...
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 24 (8), 1015-1033, 2018
Assessment in 3D virtual worlds: QTI in Wonderland
DM Arroyo, PS Rodríguez, DP Calle, CD Kloos, MBI Espiga, ...
Congreso iberoamericano de informática educativa, 410-417, 2010
Assessment of knowledge and competencies in 3D virtual worlds: A proposal
MB Ibáñez, RM Crespo, CD Kloos
Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society: IFIP TC 3 International …, 2010
The hybridization factor of technology in education
CD Kloos, PJ Muñoz-Merino, C Alario-Hoyos, I Estévez-Ayres, MB Ibanez, ...
2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1883-1889, 2018
Multi-user 3D virtual environment for Spanish learning: A Wonderland experience
MB Ibanez, JJ García, S Galán, D Maroto, D Morillo, CD Kloos
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2010
Architecture for collaborative learning activities in hybrid learning environments
MB Ibáñez, D Maroto, JJ García Rueda, D Leony, C Delgado Kloos
Journal of Universal Computer Science 18 (15), 2187-2202, 2012
Distributed load balancing for molecular dynamics simulations
A Di Serio, MB Ibánez
Proceedings 16th Annual International Symposium on High Performance …, 2002
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Articles 1–20