Edilson Delgado-Trejos
Cited by
Cited by
Digital auscultation analysis for heart murmur detection
E Delgado-Trejos, AF Quiceno-Manrique, JI Godino-Llorente, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 37, 337-353, 2009
Speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images for improving the metrological evaluation of biomedical applications: an overview
CA Duarte-Salazar, AE Castro-Ospina, MA Becerra, E Delgado-Trejos
IEEE Access 8, 15983-15999, 2020
Soft metrology based on machine learning: a review
M Vallejo, C De La Espriella, J Gómez-Santamaría, AF Ramírez-Barrera, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 31 (3), 032001, 2019
Automatic selection of acoustic and non-linear dynamic features in voice signals for hypernasality detection
JR Orozco-Arroyave, S Murillo-Rendón, AM Álvarez-Meza, ...
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Preprocessing of 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis images applied to proteomic analysis: a review
MM Goez, MC Torres-Madroñero, S Röthlisberger, E Delgado-Trejos
Genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics 16 (1), 63-72, 2018
Embedded dimension and time series length. Practical influence on permutation entropy and its applications
D Cuesta-Frau, JP Murillo-Escobar, DA Orrego, E Delgado-Trejos
Entropy 21 (4), 385, 2019
Neuromuscular disease detection by neural networks and fuzzy entropy on time‐frequency analysis of electromyography signals
M Vallejo, CJ Gallego, L Duque‐Muñoz, E Delgado‐Trejos
Expert systems 35 (4), e12274, 2018
Acoustic analysis and non linear dynamics applied to voice pathology detection: A review
J Rafael Orozco Arroyave, J Francisco Vargas Bonilla, E Delgado Trejos
Recent Patents on Signal Processing (Discontinued) 2 (2), 96-107, 2012
Muscle fatigue analysis during dynamic contractions based on biomechanical features and Permutation Entropy
J Murillo-Escobar, YE Jaramillo Munera, DA Orrego-Metaute, ...
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 17 (3), 2592-2615, 2020
Automatic sign language recognition based on accelerometry and surface electromyography signals: A study for Colombian sign language
E Pereira-Montiel, E Pérez-Giraldo, J Mazo, D Orrego-Metaute, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71, 103201, 2022
Discrete wavelet transform and k-nn classification in EMG signals for diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders
CJG Duque, LD Muñoz, JG Mejía, ED Trejos
2014 XIX Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision, 1-5, 2014
Effective phonocardiogram segmentation using nonlinear dynamic analysis and high-frequency decomposition
AF Quiceno, E Delgado, M Vallverd, AM Matijasevic, ...
2008 Computers in Cardiology, 161-164, 2008
Dimensionality reduction oriented toward the feature visualization for ischemia detection
E Delgado-Trejos, A Perera-Lluna, M Vallverdú-Ferrer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13 (4), 590-598, 2009
Heart murmur detection using ensemble empirical mode decomposition and derivations of the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients on 4-area phonocardiographic signals
JA Jimenez, MA Becerra, E Delgado-Trejos
Computing in Cardiology 2014, 493-496, 2014
EEG single-channel seizure recognition using empirical mode decomposition and normalized mutual information
C Guarnizo, E Delgado
IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, 1-4, 2010
Dimensionality reduction based on fuzzy rough sets oriented to ischemia detection
DA Orrego, MA Becerra, E Delgado-Trejos
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Optimal pi control of a wind energy conversion system using particles swarm
S Sánchez, M Bueno, E Delgado, E Giraldo
2009 Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA), 332-337, 2009
The rademacher complexity model over acoustic features for improving robustness in hypernasal speech detection
E Delgado, FA Sepúlveda, S Röthlisberger, G Castellanos
Book: Computers and Simulation in Modern Science 5, 130-135, 2011
Weighted-PCA for unsupervised classification of cardiac arrhythmias
JL Rodríguez-Sotelo, E Delgado-Trejos, D Peluffo-Ordóñez, ...
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Recognition of cardiac arrhythmias by means of beat clustering on ECG-holter records
E Delgado, JL Rodriguez, F Jiménez, D Cuesta, G Castellanos
2007 Computers in Cardiology, 161-164, 2007
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Articles 1–20