Jeanne Y. Coulibaly
Jeanne Y. Coulibaly
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Adoption of agroforestry and the impact on household food security among farmers in Malawi
JY Coulibaly, B Chiputwa, T Nakelse, G Kundhlande
Agricultural systems 155, 52-69, 2017
Do climate services make a difference? A review of evaluation methodologies and practices to assess the value of climate information services for farmers: Implications for Africa
A Tall, JY Coulibaly, M Diop
Climate Services 11, 1-12, 2018
Determinants of access and utilisation of seasonal climate information services among smallholder farmers in Makueni County, Kenya
E Muema, J Mburu, J Coulibaly, J Mutune
Heliyon 4 (11), 2018
Africa's rice economy before and after the 2008 rice crisis.
PA Seck, AA Touré, JY Coulibaly, A Diagne, MCS Wopereis
Realizing Africa's rice promise, 24-34, 2013
Responding to crop failure: Understanding farmers’ coping strategies in Southern Malawi
JY Coulibaly, GA Gbetibouo, G Kundhlande, GW Sileshi, TL Beedy
Sustainability 7 (2), 1620-1636, 2015
Mapping vulnerability to climate change in Malawi: spatial and social differentiation in the shire river basin
JM Jeanne Yekeleya Coulibaly, Cheikh Mbow, Gudeta Weldesemayat Sileshi ...
American journal of climate change 4, 282-294, 2015
What climate services do farmers and pastoralists need in Tanzania?
JY Coulibaly, J Mango, M Swamila, A Tall, H Kaur, J Hansen
CCAFS Working Paper, 2015
Propensity to adapt to climate change: Insights from pastoralist and agro-pastoralist households of Laikipia County, Kenya
TW Ng’ang’a, JY Coulibaly, TA Crane, CK Gachene, G Kironchi
Climatic change 161, 393-413, 2020
Dairy market participation with endogenous livestock ownership: evidence from Côte d'Ivoire
JV Balagtas, JY Coulibaly, J Mohammad, A Negassa
Climate Services for Agriculture in Rwanda Baseline Survey Report
JY Coulibaly, EA Birachi, DM Kagabo, MM Mutua
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2017
Diagne. A. and Wopereis, MCS (2013). Impact of rice research on income, poverty and food security in Africa: an ex-ante analysis
PA Seck, AA Toure, JY Coulibaly
Realizing Africa’s Rice Promise. CABInternational, Wallingford, UK, 24-33, 0
Which climate services do farmers and pastoralists need in Malawi? Baseline study for the GFCS Adaptation Program in Africa.
JY Coulibaly, G Kundhlande, A Tall, H Kaur, J Hansen
Will cotton make a comeback in Mali?
JY Coulibaly, JH Sanders, PV Preckel, TG Baker
Agricultural Economics 46 (1), 53-67, 2015
Purdue improved cowpea storage (pics) supply chain study
JY Coulibaly, T Nouhoheflin, C Aitchedji, M Damisa, S D'Alessandro, ...
Management lessons learned in supply chain development: the experience of PICS bags in West and Central Africa
T Nouhoheflin, JY Coulibaly, S D’Alessandro, CC Aitchedji, M Damisa, ...
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20 (3), 427-438, 2017
Reducing rice imports in Côte d'Ivoire: is a rise in import tariff the solution?
JY Coulibaly, N Tebila, A Diagne
Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 44 (3), 195-213, 2015
Cotton price policy and new cereal technology in the Malian Cotton Zone
JY Coulibaly, JH Sanders, PV Preckel, TG Baker
Import Demand for Dairy Products in Cote d'Ivoire
JV Balagtas, JY Coulibaly, I Diarra
Developing supply chain and group marketing systems for fish Farmers in Ghana and Kenya
KK Quagrainie, J Dennis, J Coulibaly, C Ngugi, S Amisah
Aqua Fish Collaborative Research Support Program Technical Reports, Oregon …, 2007
Diversification or cotton recovery in the Malian cotton zone: Effects on households and women
JY Coulibaly
Purdue University, 2011
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Articles 1–20