Paola Gallo
Paola Gallo
Full Professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, University Roma Tre
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Water: A tale of two liquids
P Gallo, K Amann-Winkel, CA Angell, MA Anisimov, F Caupin, ...
Chemical reviews 116 (13), 7463-7500, 2016
Supercooled water and the kinetic glass transition
F Sciortino, P Gallo, P Tartaglia, SH Chen
Physical Review E 54 (6), 6331, 1996
Slow Dynamics of Water Molecules in Supercooled States
P Gallo, F Sciortino, P Tartaglia, SH Chen
Physical review Letters 76 (15), 2730, 1996
Glass transition and layering effects in confined water: a computer simulation study
P Gallo, M Rovere, E Spohr
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (24), 11324-11335, 2000
Dynamic crossover in supercooled confined water: Understanding bulk properties through confinement
P Gallo, M Rovere, SH Chen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (4), 729-733, 2010
Layer analysis of the structure of water confined in vycor glass
P Gallo, MA Ricci, M Rovere
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (1), 342-346, 2002
Molecular-dynamics study of incoherent quasielastic neutron-scattering spectra of supercooled water
SH Chen, P Gallo, F Sciortino, P Tartaglia
Physical Review E 56 (4), 4231, 1997
Supercooled confined water and the mode coupling crossover temperature
P Gallo, M Rovere, E Spohr
Physical review letters 85 (20), 4317, 2000
Model for single-particle dynamics in supercooled water
SH Chen, C Liao, F Sciortino, P Gallo, P Tartaglia
Physical Review E 59 (6), 6708, 1999
Widom line and dynamical crossovers as routes to understand supercritical water
P Gallo, D Corradini, M Rovere
Nature communications 5 (1), 5806, 2014
Microscopic mechanism of protein cryopreservation in an aqueous solution with trehalose
D Corradini, EG Strekalova, HE Stanley, P Gallo
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1218, 2013
A route to explain water anomalies from results on an aqueous solution of salt
D Corradini, M Rovere, P Gallo
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (13), 2010
Modifications of the hydrogen bond network of liquid water in a cylindrical SiO2 pore
C Hartnig, W Witschel, E Spohr, P Gallo, MA Ricci, M Rovere
Journal of Molecular Liquids 85 (1-2), 127-137, 2000
Water in porous glasses. A computer simulation study
E Spohr, C Hartnig, P Gallo, M Rovere
Journal of Molecular Liquids 80 (2-3), 165-178, 1999
Water in confined geometries: experiments and simulations
MA Ricci, F Bruni, P Gallo, M Rovere, AK Soper
Journal of Physics: condensed matter 12 (8A), A345, 2000
Confined water in the low hydration regime
P Gallo, M Rapinesi, M Rovere
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (1), 369-375, 2002
High precision determination of the melting points of water TIP4P/2005 and water TIP4P/Ice models by the direct coexistence technique
MM Conde, M Rovere, P Gallo
The Journal of chemical physics 147 (24), 2017
Ion hydration and structural properties of water in aqueous solutions at normal and supercooled conditions: a test of the structure making and breaking concept
P Gallo, D Corradini, M Rovere
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (44), 19814-19822, 2011
Anomalous dynamics of water confined in MCM-41 at different hydrations
P Gallo, M Rovere, SH Chen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (28), 284102, 2010
Supercooled water reveals its secrets
P Gallo, HE Stanley
Science 358 (6370), 1543-1544, 2017
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