Jan Spilski
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of aircraft noise on reading and quality of life in primary school children in Germany: Results from the NORAH study
M Klatte, J Spilski, J Mayerl, U Möhler, T Lachmann, K Bergström
Environment and Behavior 49 (4), 390-424, 2017
Physical and cognitive demands of work in building construction
FS Rodriguez, J Spilski, F Hekele, NO Beese, T Lachmann
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 27 (3), 745-764, 2020
The development of a multiple-item annoyance scale (MIAS) for transportation noise annoyance
D Schreckenberg, C Belke, J Spilski
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (5), 971, 2018
Research into the relationship experience in supervision and its influence on the psychoanalytical identity formation of candidate trainees
W Nagell, L Steinmetzer, U Fissabre, J Spilski
Psychoanalytic Inquiry 34 (6), 554-583, 2014
Performance differences between instructions on paper vs digital glasses for a simple assembly task
FS Rodriguez, K Saleem, J Spilski, T Lachmann
Applied Ergonomics 94, 103423, 2021
Wirkungen von Verkehrslärm auf die Belästigung und Lebensqualität
D Schreckenberg, F Faulbaum, R Guski, L Ninke, C Peschel, J Spilski, ...
NORAH (Noise related annoyance cognition and health): Verkehrslärmwirkungen …, 2015
Effects of aircraft noise on annoyance and sleep disturbances before and after expansion of Frankfurt Airport-Results of the NORAH study, WP 1'Annoyance and quality of life'
D Schreckenberg, F Faulbaum, R Guski, U Möhler, J Spilski
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 253 (7), 997-1006, 2016
Potential of VR in the vocational education and training of craftsmen
J Spilski, C Giehl, S Schlittmeier, T Lachmann, JP Exner, A Makhkamova, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Construction …, 2019
Implementation of AI Technologies in manufacturing-success factors and challenges
J Kutz, J Neuhüttler, J Spilski, T Lachmann
The Human Side of Service Engineerin, Proceedings of the 13th International …, 2022
Remote vocational learning opportunities—A comparative eye‐tracking investigation of educational 2D videos versus 360° videos for car mechanics
F Hekele, J Spilski, S Bender, T Lachmann
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (2), 248-268, 2022
Relevance of the assessment mode in the digital assessment of processing speed
FS Rodriguez, J Spilski, A Schneider, F Hekele, T Lachmann, A Ebert, ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 41 (7), 730-739, 2019
Development and psychometric properties of the sound preference and hearing habits questionnaire (SP-HHQ)
M Meis, R Huber, RL Fischer, M Schulte, J Spilski, H Meister
International journal of audiology 57 (sup3), S118-S129, 2018
Spatial sound in a 3d virtual environment: All bark and no bite?
RN Meghanathan, P Ruediger-Flore, F Hekele, J Spilski, A Ebert, ...
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5 (4), 79, 2021
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary concept of mental demands at work on cognitive functioning in old age
FS Rodriguez, FS Hussenoeder, J Spilski, I Conrad, SG Riedel-Heller
Aging & Mental Health 25 (9), 1649-1658, 2021
Do we need different aircraft noise metrics to predict annoyance for different groups of people?
J Spilski, K Bergström, U Moehler, T Lachmann, M Klatte
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2019
Olfactory sensory and perceptual evaluation in newborn infants: A systematic review
RM Tristão, L Lauand, KSF Costa, LA Brant, GM Fernandes, KN Costa, ...
Developmental Psychobiology 63 (7), e22201, 2021
Wirkungen chronischer Fluglärmbelastung auf kognitive Leistungen und Lebensqualität bei Grundschulkindern
M Klatte, K Bergström, J Spilski, J Mayerl, M Meis
Endbericht zur NORAH-Kinderstudie, 2014
Effects of aircraft noise on annoyance and quality of life in German children near Frankfurt/Main airport: Results of the NORAH (noise-related annoyance, cognition, and health …
K Bergström, J Spilski, J Mayerl, U Möhler, T Lachmann, M Klatte
Proceedings of Euronoise 31, 2015
Wirkungen chronischer Fluglärmbelastung auf kognitive Leistungen und Lebensqualität bei Grundschulkindern Endbericht
M Klatte, K Bergström, J Spilski, J Mayerl, M Meis
NORAH Verkehrslärmwirkungen im Flughafenumfeld–Endbericht 1, 2014
Aircraft noise exposure and children's cognition: Evidence for a daytime NAT criterion
J Spilski, K Bergström, J Mayerl, U Möhler, T Lachmann, M Klatte
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 255 (7), 457-463, 2017
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Articles 1–20