Yoshinaka Kiyoshi
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Cited by
Robotic needle insertion: Effects of friction and needle geometry
MD O'Leary, C Simone, T Washio, K Yoshinaka, AM Okamura
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Contact and friction between catheter and blood vessel
K Takashima, R Shimomura, T Kitou, H Terada, K Yoshinaka, K Ikeuchi
Tribology International 40 (2), 319-328, 2007
The final stage of the collapse of a cloud of bubbles close to a rigid boundary
EA Brujan, T Ikeda, K Yoshinaka, Y Matsumoto
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 18 (1), 59-64, 2011
Locomotion of medical micro robot with spiral ribs using mucus
K Ikeuchi, K Yoshinaka, S Hashimoto, N Tomita
MHS'96 Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Micro Machine …, 1996
An endoscopic tactile sensor for low invasive surgery
K Takashima, K Yoshinaka, T Okazaki, K Ikeuchi
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 119 (2), 372-383, 2005
Focus control aided by numerical simulation in heterogeneous media for high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment
R Narumi, K Matsuki, S Mitarai, T Azuma, K Okita, A Sasaki, K Yoshinaka, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 (7S), 07HF01, 2013
Micro-bubble enhanced HIFU
K Kajiyama, K Yoshinaka, S Takagi, Y Matsumoto
Physics Procedia 3 (1), 305-314, 2010
Visual servoing for a US‐guided therapeutic HIFU system by coagulated lesion tracking: a phantom study
J Seo, N Koizumi, T Funamoto, N Sugita, K Yoshinaka, A Nomiya, ...
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2011
Numerical analysis and experimental observation of guidewire motion in a blood vessel model
K Takashima, S Tsuzuki, A Ooike, K Yoshinaka, K Yu, M Ohta, K Mori
Medical engineering & physics 36 (12), 1672-1683, 2014
Robust kidney stone tracking for a non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system-Servoing performance and safety enhancement
N Koizumi, J Seo, D Lee, T Funamoto, A Nomiya, K Yoshinaka, N Sugita, ...
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2443-2450, 2011
Low invasive propulsion of medical devices by traction using mucus
K Ikeuchi, K Yoshinaka, N Tomita
Wear 209 (1-2), 179-183, 1997
A novel high intensity focused ultrasound robotic system for breast cancer treatment
T Yonetsuji, T Ando, J Wang, K Fujiwara, K Itani, T Azuma, K Yoshinaka, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2013: 16th …, 2013
Development of an in vitro tracking system with poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogel for catheter motion
CH YU, H Kosukegawa, K Mamada, K Kuroki, K Takashima, K Yoshinaka, ...
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 5 (1), 11-17, 2010
A new medical microrobot for minimal invasive surgery
YS Zhou, YX Quan, K Yoshinaka, K Ikeuchi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2001
Ultrasound-mediated gene transfection in vitro: Effect of ultrasonic parameters on efficiency and cell viability
Y Zhang, R Tachibana, A Okamoto, T Azuma, A Sasaki, K Yoshinaka, ...
International Journal of Hyperthermia 28 (4), 290-299, 2012
カテーテルシミュレータの開発 第 1 報, ガイドワイヤ・血管の特性の評価
高嶋一登, 大田慎三, 太田信, 葭仲潔, 池内健
日本機械学会論文集 C 編 72 (719), 2137-2145, 2006
Real-time feedback control for high-intensity focused ultrasound system using localized motion imaging
R Sugiyama, K Kanazawa, M Seki, T Azuma, A Sasaki, H Takeuchi, ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54 (7S1), 07HD15, 2015
Evaluation of the effect of catheter on the guidewire motion in a blood vessel model by physical and numerical simulations
K Takashima, A Oike, K Yoshinaka, K Yu, M Ohta, K Mori, N Toma
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 12 (4), 17-00181-17-00181, 2017
A framework of the non-invasive ultrasound theragnostic system
N Koizumi, D Lee, K Ota, S Yoshizawa, K Yoshinaka, Y Matsumoto, ...
Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality: 4th International Workshop Tokyo …, 2008
Numerical simulations and lab tests for design of MR-compatible robots
K Chinzei, K Yoshinaka, T Washio
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
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Articles 1–20